Thursday, June 7, 2007

Friday, May 25th - Monday, May 28th

Since we aim to please our loyal blog readers, we are trying to catch up on the missed blog entries. Before you respond by saying "hey, they're getting off easy by grouping days together," I'll mention that the next phase of our trip was in multi-day increments, so we'll make the write ups mirror the number of days we were in the particular spot. Let us know what you think of this new format...

We arriving in Houston on Friday afternoon. No shorter had we hit the road did we encounter torrential downpours. Ben and I both commented that the rain we saw in this portion of the drive was more rain that we had seen combined in the two years we lived in California. Ahh, gotta love the south in the summer and the wonderful rain storms and humidity that come with them.

Anyway, we stayed with Ben's parents in Houston and his sister Michelle and her boyfriend Justin came down for the weekend to hang out. We had a lot of fun. The boys did some boy things like playing golf and putting together furniture (well, Justin put the furniture together while Ben watched and Lu took a nap, but the Dorfman men were there in spirit). The girls did some girl things like getting our nails done and shopping. Both genders seemed to enjoy their respective gender-specific activities :)

While in Houston, we spent a few hours looking through old photo albums from Ben's childhood. He sure was a cute kid! Once we're near a scanner, I'll have to scan in a photo of him that we found and add it to the blog. He looked straight out of Love Boat - it was quite cute! Some of Robin's friends also threw us a wedding shower, which was a lot of fun. They brought some really great recipes and we had a fun afternoon enjoying each others' company and enjoying some freshly made guacamole - yum!

On Monday morning, we woke up early (well, a little later than we had anticipated but still pretty early) and drove to Mississippi for Camp Dream Street. More to come about that later...

1 comment:

redrover said...

Where's the other half of the country?